
PhD in Mineral Process Engineering


This program responds to the need to generate knowledge that facilitates the innovation and technological development of the mining industry. For this, our postgraduates are prepared to carry out first-class scientific and technological research, and to apply their knowledge in original and innovative ways within the field of the industrial processes involved in metal mining and industrial minerals.

Duration: The curriculum has a duration of 4 years.

Double graduation agreements: Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland), University of Barcelona (Spain), University of Valladolid (Spain), Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain), University of Granada (Spain), University of Lleida (Spain), University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

Overall Goal

To train graduates able to autonomously propose, direct, and conduct original research, whose results constitute a contribution to scientific and technological knowledge within the field of the industrial processes involved in metal mining and industrial minerals.

Specific Goals

To contribute to Chile and the region’s scientific and technological development through the training of graduates capable of:

  1. Generating and applying their scientific and technological knowledge in Mineral Process Engineering in original and innovative ways.
  2. Identifying, acknowledging, and solving problems within the field of mineral process engineering, where solutions require the production of new knowledge through applied scientific research.
  3. Innovating and/or adapting solutions within the mineral process engineering technological field.
  4. Properly addressing technological problems in their field with analytical capacity and critical judgment.

Receiving a degree in Mineral Process Engineering requires candidates to demonstrate the ability to independently carry out research, making an original contribution to knowledge through mainstream publications or invention patents.

A graduate of the PhD in Mineral Process Engineering program is specialized in the processes involved in both the metallic and non-metallic mining industry. The development of a cutting-edge research thesis on mineral processes, and their knowledge about those processes’ fundaments (thermodynamics, electrochemistry, phase equilibrium, etc.), separation technologies (leaching, crystallization, floating, etc.) and the usage of Computer Assisted Design methods for the modeling, analysis, and optimization of processes trains them to:

  1. Produce, and later apply, scientific and technological knowledge in Mineral Process Engineering in original and innovative ways.
  2. Identify, acknowledge, and solve problems within the field of mineral process engineering, where solutions require the production of new knowledge through applied scientific research.
  3. Innovate and/or adapt solutions within the technological field of mineral process engineering.
  4. Properly address technological problems in their field with analytical capacity and critical judgment.
  5. Formulate and direct research and development projects in consulting firms and organizations or companies in the mining area with high levels of excellence.

  • Process Engineering Sciences: Conducts research in its fundaments, emphasizing in thermodynamics, electrochemistry and corrosion, phase equilibrium and biotechnology to further comprehend various phenomena in fields essential for mining’s development such as process engineering and water and energy resources.
  • Separation Systems Engineering: Studies separation technologies, emphasizing on leaching, bioleaching, crystallization, flotation, bio-flotation, and electro-dialysis, with the aim of improving mineral extraction processes and the efficient use of energy and water resources.
  • Process Systems Engineering: The systematic application of computer-assisted methods in process engineering, emphasizing on the design, modeling, analysis and optimization of leaching, flotation, and water resources processes.

  • The curriculum has a duration of 4 years, with 240 credits distributed in 187 thesis credits, 18 fundamental courses credits, 20 complementary courses credits and 15 seminar and research internship credits.
  • A credit consists of 27 hours per semester dedicated to various activities (classes, study hours, readings, workshops, seminars, presentations, tests, etc.)
  • Fundamental courses: Advanced Energy and Matter Transfer, Advanced Solid-Fluid Operations, Advanced Process Design, and Advanced Hydrometallurgy (Any three).
  • Complementary courses: Liquid-Liquid Extraction, Microbial Leaching, Mineral Flotation Technology, Modeling Applied to Mining and the Environment, Environmental Management of Waste and Mining Effluents, Innovation and Technology Transferring, Instrumentation and Control of Mining Processes, Thermodynamic Solutions of Electrolytes, Phase Diagrams, Industrial Crystallization, Electrochemistry and Corrosion, Physical Methods of Structural Characterization, Materials Characterization Techniques, Minerals Leaching, Nanotechnology (Any four).
  • Other mandatory activities: Research Seminar, Technology Management Seminar, Research Internship, and seven thesis advancement activities.
  • Qualification Exam: after completing at least 15 course credits, the student must take a Qualification Exam to approve their thesis project. For approval, their grade must be above 5.0 on a scale of 1.0 to 7.0.
  • Dissertation: after finishing their thesis, each candidate must perform a dissertation where they display their independent research skills and demonstrate how their research constitutes an original contribution to knowledge, to be proven through publications in mainstream journals and/or patents. For approval, their grade must be above 5.0 on a scale of 1.0 to 7.0.


Enrollment fee: $3.300.000 CLP; Registration fee: $140.000 CLP.


  • Program Fee Release scholarships exempt their beneficiary from the obligation to pay their respective program’s tuition fees, either fully or partially. However, they must still pay the registration fee in full.
  • Academic Excellence scholarships are awarded considering their beneficiary’s academic merits and consist in a reduction of the program’s total tuition fees along with a monthly allowance. However, they must still pay the registration fee.
  • Financial Aid to attend congresses, which consists in support for accredited postgraduate students (or those in the accreditation process), will be granted after an application process that is available twice a year (first semester of each year for congresses taking place within that year’s second semester, and second semester for those taking place in the following year’s first semester). This support will consist of a financial aid equivalent to a verifiable maximum of 15 UF for national congresses and 25 UF maximum for international congresses. For this purpose, that year’s January 2nd UF value will be used.
  • Productivity Allocation scholarships are intended to incentivize students taking postgraduate programs to publish their research in scientific journals. If the publication is in a journal indexed in Web of Science’s (WoS) Journal Citation Report (JCR), this will consist of 15 UF. If the publication is in the SCOPUS or Scielo systems, this will consist of 6 UF. For this purpose, that year’s January 2nd UF value will be used, and it will only be awarded once per publication.
  • Other scholarships, without excluding the aforementioned benefits, Research Centers or other units within the University may use their own research budgets to provide the University’s graduate students with other benefits.

  • To have a Master’s Degree in Engineering Sciences, a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering Sciences, or equivalent training (for foreign students, this might correspond to an Engineer’s degree in different specialties such as Chemistry, Metallurgy, Mechanics, Mining, Industrial, etc.)
  • People with a Bachelor of Science degree or equivalent training may apply for the Program, but could be asked to enroll in a number of additional courses.
  • To submit the application form, their degree certificate, grade report, two letters of recommendation, and their Curriculum Vitae.
  • To be accepted as a student by the doctoral program’s board.
How to apply

Send the following documents to luis.cisternas@uantof.cl:

  • Application form.
  • Copy of Bachelor’s Degree or Professional Diploma.
  • Copy of undergraduate grades report.
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • Two letters of recommendation from the academic field, which must be sent directly by those issuing them.

Letter of recommendation ⭠

Admission pplication form ⭠

Student Selection System:

The applicant must submit the application form, their degree or diploma, grades report, two letters of recommendation and CV within the established dates.
The program’s board verifies their compliance with admission requirements and evaluates the student’s documentation. As an additional selection criterion, the applicant is required to have an undergraduate grade point average greater than or equal to 5.0 on a grade scale from 1.0 to 7.0.
If the board deems it necessary, students may be requested to take an Admission Exam.

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